2 Corinthians 2:11   "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices"

      OUR 3rd Year                                                  JUNE 2024                                                           Internet Edition         

Canada Proposes Legislation That Would Imprison Christians for Posting Religious Opinion Deemed “Hate Speech” Online
Canada’s recent legislative effort, Bill C-63, ostensibly aims to combat online harms, including what it defines as “hate speech.” But let’s face it, we know where this is going. As with all leftists, the end goal is to silence conservatives, especially Christians.

The bill includes provisions that could easily interpret traditional biblical views on sexual morality as hate speech. The definition of “hate speech” within Bill C-63, as proposed in the Online Harms Act, is particularly concerning due to its broad scope which would ultimately include expressions of biblical views on sexual immorality. According to the bill, “hate speech” includes content that “foments hatred” which is defined as expressions...SOURCE

Appeals to the “Common Good” Often Disguise Threats to Freedom
Tyrants often try to justify their power grabs as being for the “common good”
There is no such thing as a “common good,” however
Collectivists will justify gross violations of individual rights in the name of the good of the whole
No tyrant ever seized power by openly saying his intent was to punish and forcibly rule over his subjects. The typical appeal is made to some “common good” of society as a justification for eroding the rights of individuals and centralizing power into the hands of the ruler or ruling class.

North Carolina progressives use the “common good” as a pretext for everything from a death tax to increased government spending to wildly expensive and wasteful public transit plans. The common thread of these appeals to the common good is a forcible transfer of money and power from the hands of citizens into the hands of the political class.

So-called “common good capitalism” peddled by the likes of Marco Rubio is another recent example. This system would of course erode the free enterprise system and replace the priorities of individuals with ones set by the government.

Moreover, the concept of a common good is a mere chimera, a hoped-for concept that is nothing but a myth.

A “good” can only be experienced by the individual. Each person has unique......SOURCE

After Oct. 7, just 19% of Israeli Jews believe a Palestinian state can peacefully coexist with Israel
The share of Israeli Jews who believe an Israeli and a Palestinian state can peacefully coexist has plummeted since Oct. 7, according to a new survey.

The figure of 19%, reported in a study published Thursday by the Pew Research Center, was the lowest since Pew started surveying Israelis in 2013. It is down from 32% in a survey released just weeks before the war broke out.

In 2013, according to Pew, nearly half of Israeli Jews — and a majority of Israelis overall — supported a two-state solution. In 2005, another polling firm found that most Israeli Jews supported the establishment of a Palestinian state.

This year, a quarter of Israeli adults overall — including nearly half of Israeli Arabs  — believe a Palestinian state and Israel can peacefull exist side-by-side. That takeaway is one of a number from Thursday’s Pew survey that show Israelis hunkering down for more conflict as the Israel-Hamas war is about to enter its eighth month. The survey of roughly 1,000 Israeli adults was taken in March and April — before Israel’s invasion of the Gaza city of Rafah and other recent developments — and has a margin of error of...SOURCE
West Point To Make Honor Code 'Aspirational' In Another Destructive Move By Superintendent LTG Gilland

When LTG Steve Gilland took the reigns of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, since he is a former special operator, many grads were somewhat relieved, as they surmised he would be more true to West Point's history and legacy than LTG Williams, who infested the academy with Marxist ideology.

Now, many grads see in Gilland another senior officer betraying his oath and attempting to change West Point in keeping with the Biden agenda.

Recent minutes of the Board of Visitors of West Point's spring meeting show Gilland is moving to change the venerable 'honor code' to be 'aspirational' instead of sacrosanct.

How does this build character one might ask?

The answer is - it doesn't.

The only reason for this move, along with removing Duty, Honor, Country from the mission statement, is to weaken the integrity of graduates who will fill the U.S. military's ranks, so they may be enjoined to repress and persecute the American citizenry in the future...SOURCE
Wis. Parents Seek High Court OK of School Trans Policy Suit
A group of parents in Wisconsin are asking the Supreme Court to intervene in their attempt to overturn a district policy letting parents not be informed if their child decides to identify as transgender.

The group, represented by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty and America First Legal, petitioned the Supreme Court Wednesday, hoping the court rules that they have standing to challenge a policy of an Eau Claire Area School District that doesn't require parents to be told if their child decides to start using opposite sex facilities or changing their names or..SOURCE

In my journey from a fervent supporter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) to a free thinker, I've walked through shadows of transformation, often blinded by the light of self-reflection and inconvenient facts.

Initially, I embraced the BLM movement, driven by a desire to combat systemic racism and promote social justice.

Yet, after diving into counterarguments, particularly through PragerU videos, I realized my understanding was incomplete and misguided.

I became a fiend for the dopamine I received from thinking I was bringing justice to people who looked like (or were darker than) me.

But the only addiction I appeased was reaching a high from an ultimately self-serving desire to be viewed as revolutionary.

Now, as I observe the pro-Palestine movement, I see troubling....SOURCE
Beware of BLM Rebranded as Pro-Palestinian Advocacy
10 Reasons Why Christians Shouldn’t Play The Lottery
by Paul Alexander

Society’s general perception has changed dramatically in favor of gambling, but has God’s? Just a generation ago, if one wished to legally gamble he had to travel to far-off Nevada or New Jersey. Today, a casino is located within short driving distance of most towns, and the majority of people have no further to travel than the nearest convenience store in all but a few states to wager on state-run lotteries. Once a social taboo, gambling and gaming have gone mainstream, and have even become a common church fundraiser with raffles and bingo. Is opposition to gambling just an outdated hold-over from the past? Following are ten Biblical and rational reasons why we should oppose gambling.

Gambling violates the Biblical command, “Thou shalt not covet” 
(Exodus 20:17; cp. Luke 12:15; Ephes. 5:3; Col. 3:5) Most people would not buy the raffle ticket to “help the cause” if there was nothing to win.

Gambling violates the Bible command to “be content”
(Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:6-8; Hebrews 13:5; cp. Gen. 3:6)  The gambling industry cannot survive without covetousness, greed and discontentment. Remove these base elements from the human heart, and every casino would close down...SOURCE
People with a common heart problem could be at higher risk of having a stroke or developing a form of dementia than previously thought, according to a study.

While some people with atrial fibrillation (AF) – an irregular heartbeat – are deemed to be at risk of having a stroke and given preventative medicine, others are not.

Academics said that the risk assessment tools used to decide who should be given these drugs only have “modest” capabilities.

Our research highlights the urgency of addressing AF comprehensively, considering its overall impact on the wellbeing of patients

Dipak Kotecha, University of Birmingham
They also do not factor in other blood clot-related illnesses such as vascular dementia – a form of dementia caused by reduced blood flow to the brain.
Researchers set out to assess whether people with AF deemed to be at low risk of developing strokes and other blood clots – who would not normally be prescribed blood thinners – may actually still suffer negative outcomes.

The team from the University of Birmingham examined data on more than five million people registered with UK GP practices.

Among these they identified 36,340 AF patients who had no history of stroke, a low perceived risk of stroke and no oral anticoagulant (blood thinners) prescription....SOURCE
Former Defense Minister: ‘Iran is planning a Holocaust for Israel within 2 years’
Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, in an interview with army radio on Wednesday, warned that Iran is planning a holocaust for Israel within two years.

He said, “We are being targeted by an Iranian plan for our destruction.”

“After Iran obtains a nuclear bomb… Iran will attack Israel to destroy it from many fronts with tens of thousands of missiles at the same time,” he added.

“They are planning a holocaust for us in the next two years,” Liberman declared....SOURCE
Teamsters Join Forces With Israel-Hating Labor Union That Backs ‘Resistance’ Against Jewish State
In April, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Chicago chapter hosted a rally where activists chanted “Death to America” to protest the United States’ handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Now, the Teamsters have joined forces with a controversial labor union that has endorsed Palestinian “resistance” against Israel and refers to Zionism as “inherently evil.”
The Teamsters board of directors voted unanimously on Tuesday to accept the Amazon Labor Union as a formal affiliate, the former union announced. The Amazon union garnered widespread praise after organizing a warehouse in Staten Island in 2022, but has since been marred by financial struggles, mismanagement, and failed efforts to organize two other Amazon warehouses. Amazon union founder Christian Smalls, who has been at the center of the labor group’s infighting, called the Teamsters partnership a “historical day for labor in America” that will....SOURCE
Md. School Forced to Rescind Pledge of Allegiance Mandate
A public elementary school in Frederick County, Maryland, reversed its requirement that students and teacher take part in the pledge of allegiance after a free-speech nonprofit group pressured the school.

Twin Ridge Elementary School in Mount Airy, Maryland, in April emailed a reminder that students and teachers were required to "stand and face the flag and while standing, give an...SOURCE
Southwest Airlines is back in court over firing of flight attendant with anti-abortion views
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Whether a flight attendant was fired for her religious beliefs or for improper conduct when she sent graphic anti-abortion material and disparaging messages to a union leader was at the heart of appeals court arguments Monday, as Southwest Airlines and the union sought to reverse an $800,000 award to the woman.

The case also involves an earlier judge’s contempt order requiring three of the airline’s attorneys to undergo religious liberty training from a conservative advocacy...SOURCE
Keeping children safe on social media: What parents should know to protect their kids
At what age should kids be on social media? Should they be on it at all? If they aren’t, will they be social pariahs? Should parents monitor their conversations? Do parental controls work?

Navigating social media as a parent — not to mention a child — is not easy. Using social media platforms is still the default for most American teenagers, with the Pew Research Center reporting that 58% of teens are daily users of TikTok, including 17% who describe their TikTok use as almost constant. About half of teens use Snapchat and Instagram daily, with near-constant use at 14% and 8% for each, respectively.

But parents — and even some teens themselves — are growing increasingly concerned about the effects of social media use on young people. Lawmakers have taken notice and have held multiple congressional hearings on child online safety. But even with apparent bipartisan unity, making laws and regulating companies takes time. So far, no regulation has passed.

What are parents — and teens — supposed to do in the meantime? Here are some tips on staying safe, communicating and setting limits on social media — for kids as well as their parents.

There’s already, technically, a rule that prohibits kids under 13 from using platforms that advertise to them without parental consent: The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act that went into effect in 2000, before today’s teenagers were even born.

The goal was to protect kids’ online privacy by requiring websites and online services to disclose clear privacy policies and get parents’ consent before gathering personal information on their kids, among other things. To comply, social media companies have generally banned kids under 13 from signing up for their services.

But times have changed, and online privacy is no longer the only concern when it comes to kids being online. There’s bullying, harassment, the risk of developing eating disorders, suicidal thoughts or worse.

For years, there has been a push among parents, educators and tech experts to wait to give children phones — and access to social media — until they are older, such as the “Wait Until 8th” pledge that has parents sign a pledge not to give their kids a smartphone until the 8th grade, or about age 13 or 14. Some wait even later, like 16 or 17.

But neither social media companies nor the government have done anything concrete to....SOURCE
Over 1.2 million rechargeable lights are under recall for fire hazards, following one reported death
NEW YORK (AP) — More than 1.2 million rechargeable lights are under recall in the U.S. and Canada following a report of one consumer death.

According to a Thursday notice from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Good Earth Lighting’s now-recalled integrated light bars have batteries that can overheat — and cause the unit to catch on fire. That can pose serious burn and smoke-inhalation risks.

To date, the CPSC notes that there’s been one report of a consumer who died and another who was treated for smoke inhalation when the light caused a fire in their home last year. Good Earth Lighting is aware of nine additional reports of these products overheating, the CPSC added, six of which resulted in fires and property damage...SOURCE
The United Methodist Church looses over 1 million members in1 day over Sodomites
The United Methodist Church (UMC) lost more than a million members in one fell swoop last week, with a large West African conference voting to leave the organization due to its acceptance of LGBT clergy and marriages.

The United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast (Eglise Méthodiste Unie Côte d’Ivoire or EMUCI) renounced their UMC membership on May 28 “for reasons of conscience before God and His word,” La Croix International reported. ..SOURCE
Detailed Janurary 6th infomation
Judicial Watch: Records Show FBI Provided Democrats with Information on Whistleblowers Who Testified at May 2023 Weaponization Hearing
Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 54 pages of records from the Department of Justice in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit which show the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) provided a Democrat staffer with information on FBI whistleblowers who detailed the bureau’s targeting of political opponents and retaliation for their testifying at a May 18, 2023, hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

A May 23, 2023, email from Damon Marx, senior counsel in the office of New York Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman, shows that the FBI provided documents apparently pertaining to the whistleblowers that were “very helpful” to Goldman.

Marx writes to an FBI Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) official whose name is redacted:

We spoke last week before the Weaponization hearing on Thursday. Thanks again for sending over those documents. They were very helpful to the Congressman.

Francesco (my colleague cc’ed here) and I will be good points of contact for you going forward. Both of us broadly cover law enforcement; however, in terms of specifics, I...SOURCE
Your License Plate Is Being Used to Spy on You
Have you noticed the portable digital speed displays on roads and highways? Well, they aren’t only being used to make sure you stay within the posted speed limits. Many of them are equipped with automated license plate readers (ALPRs) that capture a lot more information than just how fast you’re going. Although this technology has been around for decades, it has become a form of surveillance some claim is a violation of privacy rights, and citizens in at least one state are suing.

There were working prototypes of automated license plate readers back in 1979, but they weren’t used as surveillance as they are today. There are three categories of ALPRs: stationary or fixed, mobile cameras, and trailers. Stationary ALPRs stay in a set location, such as traffic lights and telephone poles. Some facilities have them at their entrances, and even private housing communities use them to track residents and visitors. Mobile devices are usually attached to police cars. Trailers are mostly the speed indicators seen on street
Jerusalem's population reaches one million residents in 2024
However, the information also showed that 11,100 people left Jerusalem - a number higher than those who relocated over.

Most people who became residents of Jerusalem came from the cities of Bnei Brak, Bet Shemesh, and Tel Aviv.

By the end of 2023, the breakdown of the residents into different sectors showed that 60.5% of Jerusalem's residents were Jews or classified as "others," while 39.5% of the population were Arabs. About 29.2% of the city's residents...SOURCE
Google Snubs 160,000 Normandy Heroes, Celebrates Lesbians Instead
(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Instead of acknowledging, celebrating and honoring an estimated 160,000 soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy, the far-left Google decided to celebrate a female writer who became popular only because leftist elites pushed her works, which were about her lesbian relationships.

Google spent the 80th anniversary of D-Day “Celebrating Jeanne Córdova” by inserting a cartoon image of the lesbian author and activist on the main page of the leftist search engine that hides explicitly conservative websites from people’s results, the Gateway Pundit reported.SOURCE
Far-Left City Orders Police, Firefighters to Not Pray in Jesus’s Name
(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was reported that a California city had forbidden its volunteer police and fire chaplains to invoke the name of Jesus Christ while praying with police officers and firefighters.

Blaze News reported that Denny Cooper and his son J.C. Cooper have been ministering to residents in the City of Carlsbad, Calif., for many years. Denny is a gym teacher and baseball coach who has been a volunteer chaplain with the city’s fire department for 18 years, ..SOURCE
Biden has delivered millions in taxpayer money to … the TALIBAN!
A federal watchdog report reveals that after America had been at war with the Taliban for two decades, the Joe Biden administration now has delivered at least $11 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to the terrorists. Probably much more.

A Center Square report posted at Just the News explains much of the cash has been delivered through various aide groups that get federal tax dollars....SOURCE
Depopulation By Design

Here is a bit of bad news: We are in the end stage of a multi-pronged, multi-front, multi-decadal war against life itself. It gets worse: Most people have only a vague idea, at best, that this war is raging around them and that they and their families and their nations are the target. The enemy’s objective is to destroy the family, the nation that inevitably has its roots in the family, the religion that supports and breathes life into this superstructure, and even a majority of the individual people who live within this “vital framework.” The goal is simply the complete revolution of life,..SOURCE
The Fusion of Pharma and State
Fire department captain sues over mandatory 'Pride' celebration
June has been designated by those promoting that LGBT alternative lifestyle choices as "Pride" month.

They have various events, celebrations, festivities and the like.

And according to a new lawsuit, they actually force people to participate in their agenda.

A report from Liberty Counsel explains it is Capt. Jeffery Little, a Christian and lifeguard, who has sued the Los Angeles County Fire Department for its illegal religious discrimination, retaliation and harassment.

Department officials were provoked by Little's decision to decline on religious grounds to raise a "Progress Pride Flag" at his beachside station last year during the designated "Pride" month. SOURCE

In March 2020, the “pandemic” from the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, or “Covid,” became a
watershed moment for mRNA vaccines. It’s
astonishing that billions of people around
the world lined up as guinea pigs for
experimental injections. The short-term
death toll from this mass experiment was
likely millions of lives, while the longer-term
toll remains unknown.
One of the striking features of this global
experiment was its accompanying narrative.
The narrative was largely uniform, as were
the policies of lockdowns, testing, masks,
mandates, and fearmongering. First, global
governmental policies had to instill sufficient
fear to lead billions into social isolation.
Then, they had to induce people to “believe
in the science” and take experimental
injections absurdly marketed as “safe and
effective” after mere months of development
and clinical trials.
Even now, when “the emergency is over,” the narrative that Covid shots are “safe and effective”
persists — like the narrative for all vaccines, and especially those for children. The U.S. government is
still pushing Covid shots from cradle to grave, but thankfully the narrative is unraveling...SOURCE

1 million-plus Africans vote to leave UMC after liberal delegates chose rainbow flag over Bible
On Tuesday, a conference within the UMC, the United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast, voted to cut ties with the U.S.-based United Methodist Church – or what's left of it – over liberal orthodoxy that permits open homosexuality in the pulpit.

That vote from Africa comes after UMC delegates convened in early May and cast a lopsided vote, 692-51, to strip a rule about “practicing homosexuals” from the Book of Discipline.

During that General Conference, African delegates were among the outnumbered minority who warned liberal brethren they were choosing the culture and sin over the Bible...SOURCE

Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ
Texas-based general surgeon who exposed his Houston children’s hospital for secretly continuing a child transgender mutilation program faces four felony counts from President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice for speaking out.

Shortly after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered his state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate the transing of children as abuse in 2022, Texas Children’s Hospital — the largest children’s hospital in the U.S. — claimed that it would no longer offer chemical castration and other body-butchering services to pediatric patients.

As 33-year-old whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim soon discovered, however, at least three Texas Children’s physicians continued to castrate children as young as 11 years old after the program was allegedly halted. The hospital also promoted procedures to cut off the breasts and genitals of physically healthy people.

A report, which Haim claims to have sourced, from the City Journal’s Christopher Rufo detailed these findings. Around that same time in May 2023, the Texas legislature passed a law banning gender experimentation on minors...SOURCE
Regime Sues Sheetz for Screening Out Criminals – It’s Racist
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit against Sheetz convenience stores in far-left Baltimore because they don’t hire people with criminal backgrounds. They say it discriminates against minorities because so many are convicted of crimes.

Sheetz, Inc. operates 700 stores in six states.

Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
Joe Biden stopped by a Sheetz store in Philadelphia this week, and no one paid an ounce of attention to him – such is his popularity.

Sheetz said Thursday that it “does not tolerate discrimination of any kind.”..SOURCE

South Korea revives loudspeaker broadcasts in response to North's trash balloons
South Korea has resumed loudspeaker broadcasts aimed at North Korea on Sunday, as confirmed by its military, in response to Pyongyang's ongoing sending of balloons carrying trash into South Korean territory. The decision to restart the broadcasts, considered a form of psychological warfare, was prompted by North Korea's launch of approximately 330 balloons with trash attached on Saturday, with about 80 of them drifting across the border, reported South Korea's military, Reuters wrotes.
Having previously warned North Korea of potential retaliatory measures, including propaganda broadcasts via large loudspeakers installed at the border, South Korea initiated the broadcasts on Sunday afternoon. Further broadcasts will be determined by North Korea's response, according to South Korea's military.

Pyongyang's decision to send balloons containing trash and manure across the border in May was reportedly in retaliation for anti-North leaflets disseminated by South Korean activists as part of a propaganda campaign...SOURCE

The Queen of Hearts: Belle Boyd, Rebel Spy
hough the Civil War was only a few months old, July 4, 1861, found some soldiers in Martinsburg, Virginia (now West Virginia), celebrating Independence Day. As the day wore on, the celebration got out of hand when undisciplined and drunken Union soldiers began abusing civilians and ransacking houses. Hearing of one home sympathetic to the South, they approached it and demanded entry. One of them, a “huge Dutchman,” a term then used to describe someone of German descent, roundly cursed the grandmother living there, and soldiers entered the house with the intent of raising an American flag over it.

Inside, they confronted a mother and her 17-year-old daughter. When the Dutchman seized the older woman and attempted to kiss her, her daughter pulled out an 1849 Colt pistol left her by her father and shot her mother’s assailant in the neck, mortally wounding him. “I could stand it no longer,” the girl later said. “My indignation was aroused beyond control, my blood was literally boiling in my veins.”...SOURCE

Forget Stoves! The Biden Admin Is Working Overtime To Phase Out All Your Gas Appliances
he Biden administration contends that it is not targeting gas stoves and other domestic conveniences afforded by fossil fuels, but its “building electrification” agenda is poised to effectively do just that, several energy policy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The notion that the federal government would like to ban gas stoves is a “myth” and “misinformation,” according to the Department of Energy (DOE), which uploaded the blog post in May 2023 after Consumer Product Safety Commission Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. suggested that a gas stove ban is “on the table” in a January 2023 Bloomberg interview. However, the administration is also working to advance its “building electrification” agenda that would bring about similar outcomes under a different name, energy policy experts told the DCNF.

“The whole ‘building electrification’ effort is part of the centralized control impulse of people who gravitate to government or stand to cash in on the latest fad, irrespective of its costs or impacts on..SOURCE
President Biden’s 138 Executive Orders
Executive Order: On 04/15/2021 Biden issued the executive order: Blocking Property With Respect To Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. The order unleashed a series of penalties against certain Russian actors over a connection with alleged actions linked to supposed interference by Russia in recent US elections.

Executive Order: On 04/09/2021 Biden issued the executive order: Establishment of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. The order established a commission to study expanding the Supreme Court.

Executive Order: on 04/01/2021 Biden issued the executive order: Termination of Emergency With Respect to the International Criminal Court. This order terminates a previous emergency order issued by President Trump (Blocking Property of Certain Persons Associated With the International Criminal Court).

Executive Order: Biden signed an order on March 8, 2021 ‘Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free From Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity.’...SOURCE
The Communists End game
This is off his X account!

Adam Schiff
Hard-working families are struggling to make ends meet and it’s having a real impact on people’s health — from heart disease to depression.

We need to consider guaranteed income as a potential solution.

To provide stability and support for those who need it most.
12:11 PM · Jun 11, 2024