Labor Day

Every year, workers across the United States celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September: a day that also marks the end of summer, the start of football season, and the return to school for millions of children. And while it is heralded as a celebration of the America worker, the origin of the holiday is rooted in Marxism and Socialism.

In reality, Labor Day has more in common with May Day — aka Workers’ Day or International Workers’ Day — a communist celebration conceived by Socialists to recognize the historic struggles experienced by workers and the global labour movement (Excerpts from In Defense of Marxism website):

The first Labor Day was celebrated on September 5th of 1882 in New York City.

In subsequent years, its popularity grew, as many other cities, states, and municipalities began to make official declarations of a workers’ holiday around the beginning of September. However, it was not declared an official national holiday until 1894, and when this declaration was made, the federal government had motives other than simply wanting workers to have a holiday to celebrate “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations.”

To understand why the government declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, we need to look at what was going on in that year. 1894 saw several labor explosions surrounding May Day, which the First Congress of the Socialist International had declared International Workers’ Day in 1889, in memory of the martyrs of the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago. On May 1st, 1894, May Day riots began in Cleveland as millions who found themselves unemployed following the “Panic of 1893” took to the streets to demand that their grievances be heard.

On May 11th of 1894, the workers of the Pullman Palace Car Company struck. They were soon to be joined by Eugene Debs’ American Railroad Union, which effectively shut down rail traffic out of Chicago. The President, Grover Cleveland, reacted harshly, sending troops to put down the strikers. Bloodshed and further uprisings followed. Debs was jailed, and the strike was finally put down in the middle of June.

The bosses and their government were clearly fearful of the May Day riots and the Pullman strike. One reason for their fear was that the memory of the Paris Commune of 1871 and the 1877 general strikes and uprisings across the US were clearly on their minds, and this explained President Cleveland’s trigger-happy response to the strike. Days after the strike was put down, Cleveland pushed a proposal for an officially recognized Labor Day through Congress, which passed unanimously. It was declared officially on June 28th, 1894 and was first celebrated in September of that year.

The September holiday was conceived of and celebrated by socialists and militants within the labor movement, and we should remember and reclaim this history. In the words of Peter McGuire, one of the inspirers of the holiday, on Labor Day, we are to celebrate those who “have delved and carved all the grandeur that we behold.” The first Monday of September belongs to us and not the bosses!

Ironically, the annual Labor Day celebration of Marxism and Socialism was created by people living in America, a nation with one of the highest standards of living in history thanks to the free-market principles of capitalism that people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want to destroy. Another irony is how the majority of people in America, including the Marxists and Socialists, will celebrate the day by spending money earned from their oppressive “bosses” on food and fun.

So, as you and I enjoy friends, family, food, and fun this Labor Day weekend, let’s remember what the folks at “In Defense of Marxism” had to say about this particular holiday — this “September holiday was conceived of and celebrated by socialists and militants within the labor movement.”

Happy Labor Day, Komrades!

David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.

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A Holiday with a history of  Marxist and Socialist

Is Labor Day a Marxist Holiday?
September 7, 2020
Citizen Press Staff

Karl Marx was pleased you Capitalist Pigs adopted Labor Day…
New York, NY – Is Labor Day a Marxist holiday? Labor Day, for most, marks the end of Summer. It’s a holiday celebration with some level of Americana, with hot dogs, hamburgers, and family outings. Starting the day after Labor Day, we were taught NOT to wear white. But in reality, are Americans being unwittingly introduced to Marxism, Socialism, Communism, or any other leftist “ism”?
No, we aren’t trying to ruin the last holiday weekend of Summer. 2020 has been bad enough; we don’t want to make it worse. However, we like our reads to be informed. In fact, we would like all Americans to be informed, that’s why we started this – to dump the liberal media, and give you a common-sense voice. 
So, do you know the origins of Labor Day? This was a holiday pushed by organized labor in the 19th century. In a semi-related occurrence, Karl Marx lived in the 19th century, and organized labor has modeled a lot of their movement after Marxist philosophy. So when organized labor pushed “Labor Day” in the 19th century, it isn’t a giant leap to associate Labor Day with being a Marxist holiday.
Is Labor Day a Marxist holiday? 
You see Marxism, and much of what Karl Marx wrote and talked about was class warfare. More specifically, “the conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.” The bourgeoisie is the ruling capitalist class (wealthy and middle-class people), while the proletariat was the working class (poor people) that helped the ruling class expand their wealth, creating greater economic separation in the classes. Does this sound familiar? Income inequality is a major theme of Democrats. Labor Unions push this same inequality philosophy. Labor Unions with their dollars predominately help Democrats, to the tune of ninety-plus percent.
As we see all of these violent protests, we see this Marxist philosophy on full display. The liberals want the bourgeoisie (you, the homeowner who worked hard to buy your house) to just hand it over to the revolutionary proletariat (the poor working-class protester). We wrote an article about this a few weeks ago.
During this rioting and looting, we are seeing these Marxist vandals destroying businesses. Burning capitalism to the ground, literally in many cases. The looting itself is the revolution that Marx talked about that leads to the “Dictatorship of the proletariat.” This is a significant step to the Communist Utopia Marx dreamed about and hoped for.
So, back to Labor Day and organized labor. Do you know who the most powerful unions in the country are? If you guessed the Teacher’s Labor Unions, you would be correct. This is the most active of the labor unions with their dollars and manpower. They play and organize effectively in political races from your local school board to U.S. President.
Is Labor Day a Marxist holiday?
Teachers started to unionize in 1910. They reached full power in the 1960s, and that power continues to today. Do you know when we stopped teaching the Constitution and the Federalist Papers in schools? Yes, it was 1913.
Do you know who has been brainwashing generations of Americans? Yep, the teachers – at least the ones who are the lefty union ones. Yes, we know there are conservative teachers out there, but we see too many examples of their voices being crushed.
Plus, the proof is in the pudding. How else could we have so many people embracing Communism, Socialism, and Marxism? How else could someone like Barack Obama get elected President? A socialist shouldn’t be able to be elected President in this country, but he was! How did this happen? For generations, teachers have been pushing these Marxist ideals, being heavily supported by their membership in a labor union.
We are making the case that Labor Day is a holiday pushed by the Labor Unions to celebrate the worker. Labor Union’s philosophy is based on pieces of Marxism. Teacher’s labor unions are all-powerful. Teachers teach our kids this Marxist philosophy. We celebrate all this with Labor Day.
The Marxist camel’s nose is already under the tent. In fact, the camel is living in the tent. It’s time to wake up and realize that we celebrate Marxism at the end of every Summer. America is becoming Amerika; we have to put a stop to this.
Another Opinion