Jehovah's Witness

Length of the six days of creation. Some creationists assert that the six days of creation were literal 24-hour days. But the word “day” in the Bible can refer to a considerable length of time.​—Genesis 2:4; Psalm 90:4.

      Age of the earth. Some creationists teach that the earth is just a few thousand years old. However, according to the Bible, the earth and the universe existed before the six days of creation. (Genesis 1:1) For that reason, Jehovah’s Witnesses have no objection to credible scientific research that indicates the earth may be billions of years old.

Although Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in creation, we are not antiscience. We believe that true science and the Bible are compatible.
The Trinity

What we believe: God is not a Trinity. The July 1882 issue of Zion’s Watch Tower said: “Our readers are aware that while we believe in Jehovah and Jesus, and the holy Spirit, we reject as totally unscriptural, the teaching that these are three Gods in one person or, as some put it, one God in three persons.”


There is no eternal torment in a fiery hell. Quoting from Romans 6:​23 in the King James Version, Zion’s Watch Tower entitled its issue of June 1882 “The Wages of Sin Is Death,” stating: “How clear and simple is this statement. How strange it is that so many who profess to receive the Bible as the Word of God persist in contradicting this positive statement, and affirm that they believe, and that the Bible teaches, that the wages of sin is everlasting life in torment.”


      You must believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins. (Acts 16:30, 31; 1 John 2:2) This includes believing that Jesus was a real person and that all of what the Bible account says about him is accurate.

      Learn what the Bible really teaches. (2 Timothy 3:15) The Bible says that the apostle Paul and Silas told a jailer: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will get saved.” Then, after that, they began to teach “the word of Jehovah” a to the jailer. (Acts 16:31, 32) This indicates that the jailer could not truly believe in Jesus unless he had a basic understanding of God’s Word. He needed accurate knowledge based on the Scriptures.—1 Timothy 2:3, 4.

      Repent. (Acts 3:19) You must also repent, or feel deep sorrow, over previous wrong attitudes and conduct. Your repentance will be obvious to others as you stop practices that offend God and do “works that befit repentance.”—Acts 26:20.

      Get baptized. (Matthew 28:19) Jesus said that those who become his disciples would be baptized. The jailer mentioned earlier was baptized. (Acts 16:33) Similarly, after the apostle Peter taught a large crowd the truth about Jesus, “those who gladly accepted his word were baptized.”—Acts 2:40, 41.

      Obey Jesus’ instructions. (Hebrews 5:9) Those who “observe all the things” that Jesus commanded show by their life course that they are his followers. (Matthew 28:20) They become “doers of the word and not hearers only.”—James 1:22.

      Endure to the end. (Mark 13:13) Jesus’ disciples “need endurance” in order to be saved. (Hebrews 10:36) For example, the apostle Paul maintained strict obedience to Jesus’ teachings and loyalty to God, and he endured in this course from the day he became a Christian until he died.—1 Corinthians 9:27.

This is what they say you must do to be saved!

This is a drawing of someone finding the" Pearl of Great Price"

All the information on this  page has been taken directly from their own Web Site
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is not equal to God.
Their Books you find in Doctor Offices
Example of their Tracts